Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Robot Fish!

British scientists have succeeded in designing a robot fish!

This robot was created by Rory Doyle, senior research scientist at the company's engineers BMT Group  with researchers from the University of Essex 

Quoted from the KOMPAS newspaper that the making of this fish-shaped robot spent poundstreling 20,000 or 319 million dollars per unit , zz-__-
that's very sophisticated because this fish-shaped robot is equipped with chemical sensors to detect hazardous waste pollution, such as ship or pipe leak underground, woow! It's very useful in Indonesia, right?

Quoted from Essex University in a statement that: "This robotic fish will transmit the information to the mainland dicerapnya using Wi-Fi technology. Unlike previous robotic fish that require controls, robotic fish are independent of this new generation will be able to track pollution without interacting with humans "
You must check this out!


faishalh said...

maybe Indonesia needs robot cat

Raja Andriany said...

wkwk for what?

Dwindra Sulistyoutomo said...

nice! it moves so smoothly, but its sensor still has to be improven because it still moves until it hits wall.

Chartreuseee said...

I've read anything like this in kaskus.
but slightly different, in kaskus it was
a penguin robot and it swim over the museum

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